Saturday, August 13, 2022

 Bumblebee Ullman has left a new comment on your post "The Whereabouts of That Tape":

The whereabouts of Evil Evie! You need to stop getting our hopes up! Each time you disappear we cross our fingers hoping that you’ve finally crossed over the Styx…and then you come back, more festered and spiteful than the time before. Stop letting Charon down! He’s a big Rudy fan, and he says he’ll get you to Hades in one piece because he’ll be wearing a mask so your Medusa scowl won’t turn him into stone!”

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "2016":

For the life of me, I can't understand what the purpose of this continued regurgitation of "your narrative" is. No one in the mainstream of Valentino enthusiasts take you seriously. That's why Facebook groups and other platforms simply ignore you. All we have here are your delusional ramblings and some screenshots of what has been the justified reaction to your continued taunting of David, Tracy, Cindy, Donna, Eleanor, etc. etc..
This simply makes you look like a crackpot.

*Evelyn Floris' reply: What we “have here” is the truth. 100% factual account of what happened in 2016.

Cassius has left a new comment on your post "2016":

Stop comparing yourself and your "living martyrdom" to Salman Rushdie. He is a literary genius and a fine human being being. You are not. The dirt under his toenails is worth a million of you.”

*I have never compared myself to Salman Rushdie.

*My account of 2016 is accurately reported and it is very disturbing that the hater who has written about my death for 12 years and counting (see first rejected comment on this post) why would he would mention Mr. Rushdie at all. Why?

*I add that if I ever did compare my situation to that of Mr. Rushdie (in the past which I do not recall doing) it was never as an author but as the target of irrational hatred for years on end because of a book I wrote. He is a great source of inspiration to me. 

Clark Gable's Gums has left a new comment on your post "How Much of a High Roller":

Odd that you only believe Florey when it suits you. What a pair of hypocrites.

* We never questioned Florey, we questioned how he was misrepresented by David Bret.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "2016":

No matter how much you crow, at the end of the day these people will be miles above you, morally, professionally and otherwise, while you'll be remembered by a few unimportant people as the elderly loser who talks to itself and who dispensed with a fortune to receive zilch in return.”