Randolph has left a new comment on your post "Gold":
anyone but "Zumaya Karens" really care about any of this?
It's all conjecture at this point. Ask yourself a question.....What
difference does any of this make at this late date? Most people in
our culture don't even know who Rudolph Valentino is anymore.”
* I would rather be a “Karen” than a sad troll like you ...who wakes up everyday to stalk and harass someone on a blog you hate. And I can tell you who does find it all makes a difference... you.
has left a new comment on your post "High
Floris, now? That'll make it easier to sue you when you come back
here to the US!”
*Incredible proof of stalking. I posted a comment as “Evelyn Floris” because I was doing so on my phone and within seconds it was noticed and commented on with this threat. Maybe back away from the fire, hater.