Saturday, August 20, 2022


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "My Autographed Copy":

God could stop all your haters, as you call them, by permitting you to drop down dead. Should this happen, He would be doing the world a great, great favour.”

Read All About It has left a new comment on your post "High Integrity":

Following this thread of Evelyn going back and forth with herself here under various identities, I'm reminded of that train wreck of a radio interview she was involved in a few months ago. When Evelyn began going into weird conspiracy theories and her nutty cloak-and-dagger routine, you could see by the body language of the hosts that they were wanting to move the interview along just to get it to the end. Everything is a drama for Evelyn Zumaya. I guess it helps her to keep cranking out her stuff in the hopes of making a few sales.”

** Well as hard as they try to gaslight everyone and claim they are saints... they can not hide from this level of meanness and hatred (above). They define themselves with every word....what messed up people.